Thursday, January 30, 2014
Megyn Kelly's Hair Style
I am not sure what fallout will result from Megyn Kelly's idiotic
statements on her show last night, but I am sure nothing will come of
it. Fox News seems to be a haven for saying anything you damn well
please and getting away with it because your entire network is about as
reliable as The Onion. But, unfortunately, much of America
watches with bated breath every night as Fox's parade of mental patients
are dragged out in front of the camera and given an hour to screech
about the liberal media and the War on Christmas. I can only hope that
the revolution comes swiftly so that I may be one of the first to be
beheaded for my "liberal ideas." At least then I will lack the senses
necessary to be exposed to the utter stupidity that is Fox News. Megyn Kelly's Hair Style