Wednesday, November 30, 2011


What is emo? If you surveyed a hundred children emo, is likely to get a mixture of the three responses. Emo is a style of music. Emo means emotional someone not afraid to express their emotions. Emo is a fashion style. So what is it? Well, to answer correctly, it's all three in one.

Defined in Webster's Dictionary, emo is a style of rock music influenced by punk rock and introspective lyrics and emotionally charged. Emo is a noun which is short for emotional, and the term was established in 1993. The above information was taken from, indeed. Bands like Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Hawthorne Heights and are believed to be considered emo bands. Many bands that have been labeled as such are not considered emo. However, the fans make and break bands, and fans are what define the label.

Emo means emotional. Most emos are not afraid to express their feelings about anything. They do not think it's a shame to mourn or express your feelings for someone, and prefer to keep an open book mentality in terms of emotional expression is concerned. This can be both good and bad. Emos, emo boys especially, are seen as weak by their ability to publicly display their emotions, whether happy or sad. A large number of non-emo emos people think emotional train wrecks because of their lack of fear to mourn in public, something that most people try to do only in private. On the other hand, many women see men as more sensitive emo and less of a risk to date, as they tend to put their feelings on the table for all to see. It's a catch 22.

No matter how many emos say they try to swim against the tide with his way, when you see an emo, which are known to be emo by the way they dress. Skin tight clothes, makeup in the eyes of children, and straight hair ironing help keep emos in their own subculture group. Emo is a fashion statement.

A combination of the attributes mentioned above ensures that the person is emo. However, some people are too emotional not considered emo. In addition, there are plenty of people who enjoy bands like Panic! At the Disco, which are far from emo. There are also people who only subscribe to one of the three practices listed above that are considered emo. So how do you know for sure whether someone is an emo or not? Just ask.

Emo means emotional hardcore or emotional. He was a rock music style developed from the 80 that places a strong emphasis on expressing feelings, emotions, especially in relation to the insecurity, anger or sadness. At the moment, is teenagers and younger people who are involved in the subculture emo. Therefore, the themes of the song often associated with life experiences than younger as we can refer to as romantic love or not to be understood. Music can act as a way to give vent to our emotions.

Why is emo music often so dramatic and distressing? Just being a teenager is a time to begin to discover their own identity and this can be a difficult time. Maybe it's a reflection of the teens. Teens have always been known through the music of ventilation throughout the ages. Although a significant number of teens turn to Emo to feed their depressive thoughts. Others in the emo culture use music to explore the emotions and self-discovery to grow.

Later, emo was recognized as a subculture with its own kind of attitude and style. Emo people are known to be sensitive, emotional, in turmoil, and shy. His style is denoted by tight jeans, black long bangs, tight shirt, black thick rimmed glasses, work vests, old shoes and coarse.

More recently, some children who love style and fashion can mimic the expressiveness of emotions without being driven mainly by dark inner turmoil affecting many consider emo true. These guys are known as "scene kids". The devotion to the spirit of emotions may vary among these children. Some are trying to act and look good to fit in, but most seem to have their own emotions and still do embrace the essence of emotions by exploring your emotions, connect with emo music related, and displaying his way.

In pop culture, emo kids are often teased for being overdramatic, depressed and suicidal. The reality is that people have unique personalities emo. Everyone is different, and while the stereotype may be somewhat true, it is unfair to assume most of the emos are one way or another. This is especially true since there are countless definitions of what they perceive as emo.

To accommodate the emos, there are three important elements - the attitude, looks, and music. The base of the music and watch begins with the attitude or way of thinking what we're going to explore this first.


Emos tend to be quieter because they spend most of your time to explore your inner world. This in turn makes many emos seem somewhat introverted. However, being introverted or not is not something you can choose to become. If you're not an introvert, which is perfectly fine. What is really important is that you spend time just looking into your mind and emotions. Of course, I do not advocate shut the rest of the world. And do not think emo means not being able to have a good time and laugh with friends.

Emo is really about being aware of their inner emotions and expressing them in all sorts of ways. Emos are people who understand that life can be difficult. Some people are heart broken, some were excluded because they like the things that most people do not like, some are born in abusive families, some get misunderstood by others - that is, they are only people in situations they did not ask. They realize and express their suffering through all sorts of ways. Some cry emos, some are cut, a work of art (sometimes with blood), some express themselves through music, some shouting their lungs, and some simply to share these feelings with other emos to understand (and therefore the community formation emo!). The point is that emos are not afraid to accept and express their emotions.

Emo is also about introspection, and in moderation, can have benefits, which can help you grow in life and discover who you are. To a degree you feel comfortable, begin to explore their own feelings and reflect on life issues from time to time. Take some time to reflect, even in public. In this way, you can connect with other emos, as they talk about their experiences of the inner world.


Emo hair can be dyed various colors, but the main color is black. The black hair was probably influenced by Goth. Black means a few things like bad humor, fear, mystery, and the confidence to make it what you want. Although there are several styles, hair is usually long and covers one side of the face. This covering of the face shows that he is not looking to the outside world as much (introspection) or do not want the world looks on (shyness). Emos also wear tight clothing like jeans and shirts. Clothing and thinness represents the sensitivity and fragility. The tension helps the thinness is more visible. Studded belts are also popular. The girls wear skirts, usually black, red, or pictures with leggings or stockings. Emos also wear shoes that are carried out. Personally, I think it's a way of showing that we are not afraid to be real. Or it may simply be a matter of cool style.

As for accessories, which tend to wear thick glasses that are rimmed black horn that is framed. This means that one is intellectual and reads a lot. A lot of emos read books that are very philosophical and difficult to understand. In a way, the emos are like nerds with an edge. Jewellery and piercings are generally for younger people, as high school students or college children.


As for music, listen to music that brings out the emotions in you and that you can relate to staff. They must also be able to talk about music with other emos so you can have friends emo. This is based emo credibility. Emo music is a mixture of influences from Punk, Indie, and Goth.

Emo hair style is one of the most popular hair styles teens today. What is emo style is a totally open to individual interpretation. The term "emo" is short for "emotional", which is the basis for a unique hairstyle. Regardless of which reflects a very personal style, every type can be classified as emo look. Emo style is associated with the punk hair style and a unique style popular among alternative music artists of the decade of 1980, although at present there are many interpretations of what "emo" really is.

Emo Hairstyles increasingly popular today. What causes such as the increase of people wanting to adopt this new emo haircut? To begin with, bands like Green Day and My Chemical Romance emo hairstyle have made so popular.

Not only above, but are more often on television, on the streets and elsewhere that may be visible. I guess it's because the more self-sufficient community. Teens are now more freedom for more than 10 years. After all, the main message of emo hairstyles is freedom of expression.

An emo haircut allows people, if a girl or a boy to form the hair the way you want in the white-blond hair to emphasize that classic short mullet style. Type of hair that is never guilty, because someone who represents the personality. Many emo people spend much time in the mirror of his socks to achieve the perfect after his hair.

Not only emo hairstyles have become more popular, but is now considered sexy. You can see pictures of emo hairstyles and compare with other types of haircuts and see what is more interesting - I'm not saying that all types of emo haircuts are cool and cute, but they are big high. If people know exactly when that will be achieved only in the streets.