Hello! I'm Kimberly and my sisterlock birthday was January 15-17, 2010. Sisterlocks were my blessing when I came to the crossroads of wanting to be natural, wanting to be locked, but also wanting to be active (running). I've been running for over a decade so any hairstyle I chose whould have to accommodate that.
I have been natural since February 28, 2007. One day I got up and had my then-boyfriend/barber shave my short, relaxed cut right off - no transition necessary! From then until January 2009, I kept my hair shaved low. In 2009, I grew my hair into a 'fro. October 2009 was when I decided to try to start locks by coils. It wasn't practical for my active lifestyle, and lack of time. So in November, I uncoiled my hair and scheduled my sisterlock installation with the excellent Danielle.
Please follow my little journey at http://thelionessandhermane.blogspot.com/ - and there are bits about skin health, getting a doctorate, career, and my life. I'd just adore some followers and please take a look at those that I follow - they were incredibly inspirational for me.
Be well, be blessed!