Women and men are being inspired to get back to their natural selves and be free from chemical bondage. That's a good thing. The blogs have been a source of inspiration and encouragement for any and everyone at what ever stage they are in their locking journey. Many who want to read about personal stories find the exchange a great place to start because most of the bloggers update regularly. You'll read about good days and bad days, but mostly good days. You'll see lots of photos and some who are really passionate, will share "how-tos".
So for the sake of clarity, the blog exchange is for anyone (male or female) who has their hair in a locked state and you blog about your hair, it's maintenance or have lots of photos of your hair in a blog or online photo album is invited to join. You'll learn about the bloggers personal/professional lives among other things which makes for entertaining reading. Be careful though, cause blog surfing and blogging can get a bit addictive. Ask most of the avid bloggers.
The guidelines are here, so check it out if you are interested. You won't spend much time here, because the purpose of the blog exchange is for you to visit the blogs/albums below. This is just a central location. Add the exchange to your favorites or blogroll it and if you have a blog and are not a member yet, go ahead and link the exchange. And by all means, show the bloggers some love by commenting on their blog posts. They'd sure appreciate it. Also, if you are new to the blogging community, please check out this post for some suggestions on how to get started. Wishing you all the best in your quest for freedom and online support in your natural journey.
The Locked Hair Blog Exchange consists of about 200 blogs of folks who want to share their locked hair journeys with the world. I'm thankful for them sharing a part of themselves with each of us. We continue to inspire others as we've been inspired, too.
LHBE Members: Please only make ONE BLOG POST for your blog. You can update your original post often, changing pictures, but do not post new messages/pictures elsewhere in the exchange about you or updates to your blog. Take care of that in your original post. If you have something you'd like to share with the exchange not related to your blog or have questions about posting, email me first at maryeepc at gmail .com If you post more than one time, the new one will be removed or the two merged with your original blog post.
Thanks for your help in keeping the locked hair blog exchange orderly. Having only one blog post per blogger makes it easy for me to moderate and take care of the exchange and have a somewhat normal life. The feedback I receive offline about how the exchange is helping ladies make their decision to lock is VERY positive! Thanks for sharing your wonderful journeys!